le cupcake quotidien

le cupcake quotidien
photo Wanda Kujacz

jeudi 6 septembre 2012

Palermo mon amour!

A Edo, maestro di vita palermitana

What do you need to visit Palermo?  a vespa, open mind spirit and open mouth body.. yes because this is the city to taste, not only to see! You know that my favorite cake is cassata siciliana and this summer I finally decided to visit Palermo in Sicily, the temple of cassata. My friend Edoardo lives there and with his wonderful vespa we discovered all narrow streets, markets, bakeries, churches, views.. just one advise, if you’re not a professional vespa driver you better do your sightseeing by walking because here its moving guys!

Palermo is a complex mix of norman, byzantine, Romanesque, gothic, renaissance and baroque styles.. yes all this in a unique city! But I will not make the list of “things to see” because you can easy find them in a touristic guide… just some “views” and of course many food tips!


pasta con i ricci di mare mmmm che buona!

This trattoria serves amazing pasta with seafood, if you like fish try also "street fish food" of La marina foro italico..

scorsonera e cannella icecream (jasmin and cinnamon)

gelso nero icecream (mulberry)

brioche filled with icecream
icecream stop!
I felt in love with 2 pastry shops, one in Palermo, the other in Mondello (the beach close to Palermo). I really wanted to try and eat everything there.. I spent so much time to take pictures, eat, discuss.. about pastry and life that I felt part of the staff! Pastry chefs you do a WONDERFUL job, please continue like that, I will never get tired to taste your delicious cakes..!

cassata siciliana

cassata siciliana


setteveli inside

cake with jasmin and watermelon (mellone!)

cannoli with sheep ricotta
Frutta martorana are traditional marzipan sweets, in the form of fruits and vegetables, from Palermo (originally created at the Convento della Martorana)
fichi d'india



..and many other fruits


cassata siciliana

..a view!

mellone tarte

this one is crazy: inside sheep ricotta cream, outside crunchy dough with an idea of pistacchio, on top a cinnamon line.. you could loose your senses!

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